Cynthia LowensBattlegroundoffers some insight on that score. Does this promise bind you? For this Land Phelps agreed to pay us Ten thousand dollars in hand and one thousand dollars a year for ever. Longtime local nonfiction filmmaking team Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman (Blacks & Jews, Secrets of Silicon Valley, etc.) Town Destroyeran anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist film is likely to stir up all over again fundamental issues about censorship, trauma, genocide and ethnicity. Indigenous Values Initative. While individual Iroquois tribes continued to launch raids over the next few years, the Revolutionary War broke the power of the Iroquois as a political unit. are back withTown Destroyer, which premiered at the Mill Valley Festival last month. Signed at Philadelphia the first day of December. In April 1779, the colonial army attacked the capital of the Haudenosaunee, the Onondaga Nation. The Iroquois, whose tribes had lined up on both sides of the conflict, were too distracted by their own internal divisions to see the crisis coming. "I am well persuaded," John Sullivan, the leader of the venture, bragged to Congress afterward, "that, except one town situated near the Allegana, about 50 miles from the Chinessee, there is not a single town left in the country of the Five nations." 3.By the terms of the Second Treaty of Fort Stanwix, completed in October 1784, the Six Nations agreed to relinquish a small tract of land in western New York and all that part of Pennsylvania north and west of the Indian boundary established by the First Treaty of Fort Stanwix of 1768, an area including all of the land in Pennsylvania west of the Allegheny River. That time George Washington ordered "total destruction and devastation Many expressed distress at the revelation. He demanded it: He insisted on his demand and declared that he would have it all. Categories: Degrowth or Debunk: Do Degrowth proponents have a strategy? But if Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman have their way, George Washington will also be remembered as "the town destroyer." That's the title of a new documentary that they have written,. . Washington received his commission on October 31, 1753 and set out immediately. ERKURIES BEATTY, OF THE 4TH PENN LINE. He told us he was sent by Congress to do this for us and we fear he has deceived us on the writing he obtained from us: For since the time of our giving that power, a man of the name of Phelps has come among us, and claimed our whole Country northward of the line of Pensylvania under purchase from that Livingston to whom he said he had paid twenty thousand dollars for it.4 He said also he had bought likewise from the Council of the thirteen fires, and paid them twenty thousand dollars more for the same. Town Destroyer, also translated as Town Taker, Burner of Towns, or Devourer of Villages, was a nickname given to George Washington by Iroquois Indians. The current dispute over monuments in the US is not new. He then threatened us with immediate war if we did not comply. Town Destroyer in Paradise: How George Washington Ended up Just Outside Commissioned in the late 1960s to create a mural at George Washington High School titled Multi-Ethnic Heritage, Crumpler honors Blacks and Indians. copy, DNA: RG 233, First Congress, 17891791, Records of the Office of the Clerk, Records of Reports from Executive Departments (War Department), Confidential Reports; Few people are more revered in the U.S. American lexicon than George Washington. Often it took the army days to completely destroy all of the longhouses, fields, orchards and food stores. ), Timothy Pickering to GW, 4 Dec. 1790, n.6,, From Washington to Seneca Chiefs [29 December 1790], All correspondence between Washington and Seneca Chiefs, National Historical Publications and New Documentary Dives Into the Furor Over That Wildly Controversial Will California Save the Iconic Joshua Tree? Nonetheless, the murals stirred little debate until the 1960s, when some Black students protested aspects they deemed offensive. The founder of the San Francisco Jewish Festival and its director for 13 years, Kaufman teamed up with Alan Snitow, the former news director at KPFA, to make Blacks and Jews in 1997, Secrets of Silicon Valley in 2001, and this year Town Destroyer which premiered at the Mill Valley Film Festival. Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 5pm PST. In sentence 4 Cornplanter's reference to Washington as "the Town-destroyer" recalls a time during the American Revolution (1779) when he ordered the burning of Seneca villages. Battlegroundhas already had a brief run in theaters, but now is available for streaming on digital platforms including iTunes. Dahmerism: The Highest Stage of Liberal Identitarianism The former vice president has become the Democratic front-runner with primary victories across the country. Thus he claimed the whole country North of Pensylvania and west of the Lands belonging to the Cayugas. SFist spoke to the duo . As GW explained in an undated memorandum on David Humphreys draft biography of GW: It was on this occasion he was named by the half-King (as he was called) and the tribes of Nations with whom he treatedCaunotaucarius (in English) the Town taker; which name being registered in their Manner & communicated to other Nations of Indians, has been remembered by them ever since in all their transactions with him during the late war (Comments on David Humphreys Biography of George Washington, 178788, in Papers, Confederation Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. Town Destroyercontextualizes this fight within a landscape where similar battles are occurring (like over Confederate monuments), though often for different reasons. He suggests that Arnautoffs work ought to be preserved, not destroyed and used as a vehicle to teach students about both the past and the present. Needless to say, those lamentable future occupiers of the White House are highly accommodating, providing perhaps the most egregious example of Twitlers lack of backbone on any issue save self-interesthe had always been publicly pro-choice, then began waffling, switching sides with a vengeance when it sank in that he needed the pro-life voters to win. It is quite an image, and one difficult to reconcile with the man known by many Indians as the "Town Destroyer," a name originally claimed by his great-grandfather for the fighting he did along the Potomac frontier in the 1670s, and which our Washington appears to have appropriated and used when it served his purposes. TOWN DESTROYER: When Art Offends - After all, the issues go back to 1779 when George Washington ordered the destruction of the Iroquois villages. 1890. Mural That Helped Ignite School Board Recall Inspires Debate Conotocaurius (Town Destroyer) George Washington Donald Trump recently condemned these actions in a speech delivered in front of his latest provocative backdrop, Mount Rushmore, in Lakota territory illegally seized by the US in the 1870s. While there he met with Alexander McGillivray in August in an effort to enlist the Creek leader in a common effort to obtain a settlement with the United States but was rebuffed. In his book, George Washington and Native Americans George Washington, Y Su Apodo De Town Destroyer , Sus Campaas Contra Trump, who is running for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, announced a slate of futuristic new policies in a campaign video Friday. Alan Michelson is a Mohawk artist and a member of Six Nations of the Grand River. If you are, tell us so that those of our nation who have become your children & are determined to die so, may know what to do: In this case one chief has said, he would ask you to put him out of pain: Another, who will not think of dying by the hand of his father, has said he will retire to the Chataughque, eat of the faral root, and sleep with his fathers in peace. You must log in or register to reply here. The Presidency of George Washington spanned the period in United States history that encompasses the events of the New Nation. It has also been translated as "Town Taker", "Burner of Towns", "Devourer of Villages", or "he destroys the town". Astonished at what we heard from every quarter, with hearts akeing with compassion for our women and children, we were thus compelled to give up all our Country North of the line of Pensylvania, and East of the Chenesco river up to the forks, and East of a South line drawn from that fork to the Pensylvania line. Answer (1 of 4): The most famous nickname (really, more of an honorary title) associated with George Washington was The Father of His Country. The Messed Up History Of Mount Rushmore - 'Town Destroyer' Versus the Iroquois Indians - US News & World Report The Haudenosaunee took notice of General George Washingtons actions. We recollect that you did not promise to punish those who killed our people, and we now ask, Was it intended that your people should kill the Seneccas, and not only remain unpunished by you: but be protected by you against the next of kin?6. UCLA Professor Kelley adds that its not about choosing sides and that no one person or group can tell the story.. Great Tree was shot in the leg during his stay in Philahdelphia (Wallace, Death and Rebirth of the Seneca, description begins Anthony F. C. Wallace. TOWN DESTROYER happening at Walnut Creek Library - Contra Costa County, 1644 N. Broadway,Walnut Creek,CA,United States, Walnut Creek, United States on Fri Jan 13 2023 at 07:30 pm . He insisted in killing as . Jonah Raskin is the author of Beat Blues, San Francisco, 1955. 5.Samuel Street, reportedly born in New England, kept a store at Niagara. He lives in New York. The nickname, Conotocaurius means Destroyer of Towns. Washington High School Murals the Subject of 'Town Destroyer' Film The nickname had previously been given to his great-grandfather John Washington in the late seventeenth century. 6.In addition to other alleged unpunished murders, this is undoubtedly a reference to the recent acquittal of Samuel Doyle by a Pennsylvania court for his reported role in the murder of a Seneca man (see Timothy Pickering to GW, 4 Dec. 1790, n.6). It was impossible for us to grant him this and we immediately refused. The NASA scientists interviewed more than do their bit to anthropomorphise our heroine, particularly in choosing various golden oldies as Oppys (and their own) wake-up song, including the B-52s Roam, ABBAs SOS, plus Born to be Wild, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, etc. That did not happen, and in fact the murals fate (should they be removed? THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY PARTNER JEWISH FILM INSTITUTE, The California Film Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. There are passionate arguments on both sides, and they are not as simply divided by racial, cultural, or political identification as youd think. This is an analysis of a controversy that was all over the local and national news not so long ago even if it seems very long ago, as it was just-pre-COVID. Listen 52:10 On this edition of Your Call, we're discussing Town Destroyer, a new documentary that focuses on murals at San Francisco's George Washington High School, which praise Washington and critically depict him overseeing his slaves and directing the bloody seizure of Native lands. On July 9, 1776, General George Washington amassed his soldiers in New York City. Nov. 6thBenefit forThe Association of Ramaytush Ohlone Q & A with filmmakers + Jonathan Cordero, chair of Ramaytush Ohlone peoples. Good luck with that: GWHS is seldom if ever open to the general public. We saw that we were wrong: we wished for peace. Newsletter America's love affair with mass murderers has a long history - whether it unfolds as empathizing with Ted Bundy or as the canonization of town destroyer George Washington as a founding father . Town Destroyer - Wikiwand Would You Pay to Live in Facebooks Metaverse? Its time to reckon with a US founding father who waged genocidal warfare against Indigenous nations. The political doesnt get any more personal than when it comes to abortion, and now thanks to an activist conservative Supreme Court, it appears the era of Roe v. Wadeand choicemay well be over. It is an ideology that has been so thoroughly internalized that it has never prompted a national reckoning. You demanded a great Country to be given up to you. Presented by the California Film Institute (CAFILM), the 45th Mill Valley Film Festival (MVFF45) runs October 6-16, 2022. public. Snitow and Kaufman try to walk a fine line and to offer a balanced perspective in their 58-minute documentary which includes on camera interviews with well known historians such as UCLA Professor Robin D. G. Kelley, plus famed San Francisco muralist Dewey Crumpler, along with community activists, local political figures, members of Indians tribes close to home and from far away. On the day on which we finished the treaty at Yet to this day, the Iroquois (more properly, the Haudenosaunee) call Washington Conotocaurius, or "Town Destroyer." His army razed their well-constructed, permanent villages and laid waste to huge quantities of their food. The Expedition you are appointed to command is to be directed against the hostile tribes of the Six Nations of Indians, with their associates and adherents. Perhaps only in a city that loves its murals, some by Diego Rivera, and hates its murals, could murals painted in the 1930s under a New Deal art program, divide citizens from one another and stir up deeply seated passions. His heart is in pain for them; but he percieves that the great God will try his firmness in doing what is right. . We see groups of collegiate women who travel to a D.C. March for Life in January 2020 to save the babies. They demand equal rights for unborn humans, hoping not just that abortion will become illegal, but abortion will become unthinkable. Organizations like Students for Life of America and the Susan B. Anthony List are very well-organized, and there is no questioning the earnestness of their members. To the great Councillor of the thirteen fires. 2.At this point the copyist inadvertently repeated the words and so long.. George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America and served as the nation's first president (1789-1797). On George Washington, Destroyer of Towns - Anarres Project for Like the statue of Christopher Columbus targeted in Boston last month, it was beheaded and the crown finials of its surrounding fence sawn off. Just an hour long, Snitow and Kaufmans documentary offers a fascinating overview of a case that encapsulates many of the bitterest divisions of our era. Revered and reviled: George Washington's relationship with Indian It has also been translated as "Town Taker", "Burner of Towns", "Devourer of Villages . Its minders at the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena demonstrate a very paternal mindset, saying things like Theres energy in its veins, it needs to be given love, and otherwise viewing Oppy more like a genius dog than a technological tool. California Indian Artist Judith Lowry describes the Gold Rush as ground zero for Native Americans and a time when they experienced searing losses.She adds that Arnautoff aimed to subvert the dominant narrative about Indians, pioneers and settlers. It is interesting to see close-up the strategizing of such groups, including their straight-up asking citizens to be single-issue voters, even if they have to hold their noses in pulling the lever for last-minute ally Trump. You have said we were in your hand, and that by closing it, you could crush us to nothing. The film highlights the debate about controversial murals at George Washington High School. Victor Arnautoff was one of the most prolific artists in San Francisco. We also invite you to join the conversation on ourFacebook,Twitter, andInstagram. "And to this day when that name is heard, our women look behind them and turn pale, and our children cling close to the necks of their mothers," Cornplanter said. Conotocarious George Washington's Mount Vernon Beyond Canal Street: Gentrification in Chinatown, Rediscovering Moki and Don Cherrys Utopian Visions. On display since San Francisco's George Washington High School opened in 1936, it offers a view of the Founding Father both celebratory and critical, referencing his involvements in slavery and Native American genocide. 48 Hills welcomes comments in the form of letters to the editor, which you can submithere. With the Haudenosaunee standing in the way of westward expansion of the new Republic and with General George Washington seeking revenge against the raids of colonial homes, he ordered the termination of the Haudenosaunee and sent these orders to General Sullivan, known today as the Sullivan Campaign. The name in its original language(s) has been given variously as Conotocarius, Conotocaurious, Caunotaucarius, Conotocarious, Hanodaganears, and Hanadahguyus. description ends , 5:51426; Zagarri, David Humphreys Life of General Washington, description begins Rosemarie Zagarri, ed. Larger questions arose: Is arts purpose to provoke, or placate? Town Destroyer; George Washington/Nicknames. When a circus tent gets erected in his Oakland neighborhood, it causes him to muse on the legacy of the freak show, and how his own status as a differently-abled person echoes both the conspicuousness and invisibility of those whose physicality makes them societal outliers. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Proposed TikTok Ban Goes Too Far. Our nation empowered John Livingston to let out a part of our lands on rent. To him we gave four miles round Niagara, as a place of Trade. Town Destroyer | Bullfrog Films: 1-800-543-3764: Environmental DVDs and They told us he resided beyond the great waters where the sun first rises: That he was a King whose power no people could resist, and that his goodness was bright as that sun. You have compelled us to do that which has made us ashamed. The George Washington's 2008 arrival in Yokosuka was preceded several months by more than 240 Navy families. An installation of video projected onto a bust of George Washington mounted on a surveyor's tripod. For my 2018 video installation Handaga:yas (Town Destroyer), I projected video referencing this scorched-earth campaign onto a replica portrait bust of Washington. START or Stop: Do Nuclear Weapons Treaties Matter? The name in its original language(s) has been given variously as Conotocarius , Conotocaurious , Caunotaucarius , Conotocarious , Hanodaganears , and Hanadahguyus . Theres just brief note of the flurry of drastic state rulings since then, and a tag re: Roes June overturn. A Seneca leader named Tanacharison called Washington HandaganyasTown Destroyer.. Town Destroyer - Wikipedia He was likewise unsuccessful in obtaining a settlement from the U.S. government on his own. Nov. 10thBenefit forThe Living New Deal Q & A with filmmakers + speakers. Few visitors to the museum had ever heard of the Sullivan Campaign, or knew that most of New York state was our original homeland. Courtesy:JASON SZENES/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock.
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