I believe that every student is on their own journey of self-discovery, and I am honored to be in the classroom to take part in that journey. Faculty & Staff Directory - Rochester Middle School I love to work with students from kindergarten to twelfth grade and enjoy the unique experience with each age. // get rid of any old dropdowns with the same id Starts With }); $('#sel-sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381350967051236011-comparetype').dropdown({isTreeView : false, I also enjoy reading and coaching basketball. } if ($('#sw-content-minibaselist638135096705123601-filterquery').length > 0){ isInline : false, Due to anticipated winter weather conditions, Rochester Community Schools will dismiss early on Friday, March 3, 2023. . Please continue to visit the district website for more information. I love sharing that experience with my students and making connections for them with math. label.ui-calendar-label { Program standards for the School Age Child Care (SACC) Program are adapted from guidelines developed by the Minnesota Department of Education and have been reviewed and approved by the School Board of the Rochester Public School District. Hi! REA 2022-2024 Master Agreement. Be an expert on teenage culture. Title IX District Coordinator: David Murphy, Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations, 248-726-3118. GetContent("https://www.rcsdk12.org//site/UserControls/Minibase/MinibaseFilterWrapper.aspx?ModuleInstanceID=179&PageModuleInstanceID=638135096705123601", "sw-content-minibaselist638135096705123601", 2); var selected = $('#selected' + listid); School 19 Look up what school my child will attend? 52585 Dequindre Rd., Rochester, MI 48307 Building hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 6755 Sheldon Road I have been a Social Studies teacher in Rochester for going on 25years. School 41 width : '', I am married and have two beautiful daughters. Staff Directory / Staff Directory - Rochester City School District The Rochester area has a new representative on the state Board of Regents. Don't wait - submit your application today! Translate this page: Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new window/tab) . var fieldindex = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('-') + 1); transition: border-color 0.2s ease; input[type="text"]:focus + label.ui-calendar-label,input[type="text"]:not(:placeholder-shown) + label.ui-calendar-label { $.each($('#sw-content-minibasefilter638135096705123601 label'), function(i){ When I am exploring life outside of the teaching world, I enjoy traveling, riding my bikes leisurely, and volunteering for charities. //filterquery += $(this).text() Select Departments SAU District Facilities Business Department Student Services Ward AL Ward 1-A Ward 1-B . Each entrant must complete an entry form that includes the entrant's name, telephone number . $('#sel-sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381350967051236011-comparetype').addClass('ui-dropdown '); The RCS district is celebrating a homework-free WELLNESS WEEKEND March 11 and 12. transform:translate(0rem, -2.0rem); 6755 Sheldon Road Rochester Hills, MI 48306 Phone: (248) 726-5700 Fax: (248) 726-5705 Attendance: (248) 726-5710 Counseling Office: (248) 726-5707 Counseling Office Fax: (248) 726-5885 Administration Brian Shelson - Principal Beth Tocco - Assistant Principal Jason Kluzak - Assistant Principal Mission Statement: S toney Creek is a student-centered, padding-left: 10px; School Without Walls filterquery += ";"; Until I return full force back to in person teaching one day, in the words of Dayton, Ohio R&B group, Lakeside, "Come Along On a Fantastic Voyage" with me in the 2022-2023RCS Virtual Campus! $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381350967051236011-comparetype').attr('validationtype', 'text'); The RCS Caring Steps Children's Center provides outstanding infant/toddler care and year-round preschool programs. $(document).ready(function() { All rights reserved. Prior to this role, I studied English and Spanish Literature at Kalamazoo College. var filterquery = ""; Download the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar. Primarily within Rochester, Rochester Hills, and Oakland Twp. .minibase .ui-widget-detail td { $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381350967051236010-comparetype').attr('errormessage', ''); }); School 16 School 15 $(document).ready(function(){ Washington A Michigan mother tearfully told House lawmakers the story Tuesday of her two sons' deaths from an accidental overdose of the opioid fentanyl, saying the government isn't . CTECH relys on its partners and collaborators for the success of courses and students. Supt in the Halls: What do you know about Rochester Public Schools? if (dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']").length > 0) { Attendance Line: 248-726-5410 Main Line: 248-726-5400 Mission Statement of Rochester High School: Rochester High School focuses on the total development of the child, creating a challenging learning environment that encourages students to be motivated, respectful, and driven to help achieve their full potential. We have access to 28 buildings in our district. The event featureddistrict's community partners that sharedupdates and resources regarding howto keep our students and staff safe:RCS School Safety Summit. I have been teaching over 20 years and this is my 21styear with RCS. School of the Arts RISE Community School No. Adrian Hale named a Rochester delegate to state Board of Regents position:absolute; var dropdown = $('#' + listid); Human Resources - Rochester Community Schools District Rochester, Michigan 48307. width:100%; I look forward to getting active with all of you this year. RCShas again been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. My life journey has been centered around being curious and finding new experiences, and Science is a subject that has always brought more of those to me. Meet the Principal Office Information School News Staff Directory Title 1 Information You are Welcome Here Incoming Kindergarteners Academics I have completed cycling events ranging from a few miles, to a metric century a few years ago, I am looking forward to competing for a good cause in the future! You're Invited: Listening Sessions about the RPS Website. Rochester, MN 55904 Rochester Adams High School 3200 W. Tienken Road Rochester Hills, MI 48306 Main Office: 248-726-5200 Attendance Office: 248-726-5310 Counseling Office: 248-726-5207 Counseling Office Fax: 248-726-5385 Fax: 248-726-5205 Regular School Day : 7:30am - 2:30pm Half Day: 7:30am - 10:45am Pasquale Cusumano - Principal Highland Hospital staff directory; Paging directory; Tunnel maps; See maps and directions Rochester, NY 14627 . Be a part of their team. . I love connecting with students in a way that makes them feel confident in who they are and Im excited to be back here finding creative ways the virtual environment can cater to individual student needs. My name is Kristin (students call me Ms. B), and I am in my 12th year of teaching! Rochester School Apparel Store; Bell Schedule; Three-Year Plan; Annual Education Report Results (AERR) Student Handbook; Transportation Handbook; School Supplies; . They are in the process of seeking city approvals to expand Potter's from two retail spaces to all three in the 5,500-square-foot building that . if (PageIndex === undefined) { Lottery results are now available for students who wish toattend theInternational Academyfor the 2023-24school year. padding-left:50px; Staff Responsibilities. Contains NYS CR Part #154 requires the District to provide communications to ELL families in the home language that they best understand. Strategic Planning Points of Pride Curriculum & Instruction Global Awareness Technology & Infrastructure News RCS recognized with two honors from the Association of School Business Officials International Box 309, Rochester, AB T0G 1Z0. You may notice some information is inaccurate or missing. Before that, I was a social worker at schools in Detroit, Ferndale, and Belleville. You're Invited: Listening Sessions about the RPS Website. Staff Directory - Career and Technical Education Center at Heintz (CTECH) is a dynamic collaboration between Rochester Public Schools, Rochester Community and Technical College, University Center Rochester, Winona State University Rochester, and our profe November 2022 Letter from Superintendent Pekel. East Lower School function SetRichComboValue(listid, value) { } { } I have a strong feeling that middle school may be my favorite assignment yet! I absolutely love the Virtual Campus and spending time with our VC Art Club! } RCS celebratesveterans who have served our country and our school district. } Download the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar. I am also a yoga instructor and a singer, so I'm constantly listening to music and I can't wait until we can go to concerts again! 175 Martin St. Before I became a teacher I was in the USAF and was an EMT. Oakland County Sheriff Bouchard talks aboutconsequences of making threats of violence. Building hours: 8 a.m. to 4p.m., Monday through Friday. else Preschool Personnel Manual 2022-2023. District's Response to the Distinguished Educator's Report, RCSD Cares: Hurricane Disaster Relief Efforts, State Comptrollers Report on the Districts Fiscal Affairs, Code of Conduct Community Forum | May 6, 2021, SRO Agreement Public Forum | May 21, 2020, Board of Education 2016 Legislative Agenda, Board of Education 2014 Year-End Report: Getting The Job Done, Best Practices Summit: Collaborating for Success, Final Report of Special Military Academy Advisory Committee, Become a Parent Representative to a Board Committee, Critical Feedback Line for District Leaders, Update Contact Information with my School, Phase III Facilities Modernization Public Program, English Language Arts/Integrated Literacy, Freedom of Information Law - FOIL Requests, Health, Physical Education, and Athletics, Languages other than English (LOTE) / Foreign Language, MATCH: Medical Management & Assistive Technology for CHildren, Office of Grants & Program Accountability, NEVER DELETE THIS Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Incident Reporting System, If you need to contact a specific school, please visit our, Note:Currently, we donot maintain a telephone directory for Teachers. Rochester's Potter's House Bakery has plans for expanding } The RCS Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution at the Monday, May 9, meeting with a 5-0 vote to adopt the District Equity Statement. padding: 7px; I have been teaching math for Rochester Community Schools over 27years. dropdown.find("li[itemid='" + value + "']:first").addClass('selected'); }); Service Center Current RCS Employee Information - Rochester Community Schools Reporting Attendance - Thank you for reporting ALL DAY and PARTIAL absences using ParentVue! Contains Jennifer Wilson Franklin In addition, individuals will not be excluded from, or be denied, the benefits of participation in any program or activity for which the Board of Education of the Rochester Community School District is responsible on the basis of such characteristics. Amber Filipski November 2022 Letter from Superintendent Pekel $('ul.ui-dropdown').each(function() { Charlotte Rochester Community Schools: Employee Directory | ZoomInfo.com CTECH offers severalacademic pathways. elemType : 'div' School 35 My wife is the Media Specialist at Stoney Creek. Middle School Ministry Director, Autumn Ridge Church - Search Christian } rochester community schools rochester adams high school rochester high school meadow brook elementary school west middle school baldwin elementary school Rochester Community Schools Global Presence dropdown.find("li").removeClass("selected"); Download the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar. $('#sel-sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381350967051236010-comparetype').attr('hidfield', 'sw-content-minibasefilter-field6381350967051236010-comparetype'); In my free time I love to travel, camp, backpack, and basically do any and all things outdoors. filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In my spare time, you can find me playing with my two kids, Joey (8) and Lily (4). School 20 East RCTC's COVID-19 Response. .sw-flex-item > td:nth-child(2) School 52 Rochester School Department ; CheckScript('Dropdown', staticURL + '/GlobalAssets/Scripts/ThirdParty/jquery.dropdown.js'); As we continue to monitor weather and road conditions, student and staff safety is always our priority. The RCS 2022-23 revised schoolcalendar is available. Faculty & Staff Directory Faculty & Staff Directory Agriculture Name Position Phone Pearson, Justin Agriculture 574-223-2176 ext. RSPA Master Agreement 2021-2024. AHS Early Release Schedule Friday, March 3, 2023! You're Invited: Listening Sessions about the RPS Website. 52585 Dequindre Road Falcon Flyer $('#sw-minibasefilter638135096705123601-field-3').attr('validationtype', 'text'); var id = $(this).attr("for"); In this inaugural presentation in the Center for Children's Health Research Seminar series Laurie Steiner, MD, reports on her research in "Developmental Origins of Leukemia in Infants with Trisomy 21." This monthly seminar series is directed to the children's health research community, including the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and beyond., powered by Localist, the .
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