San Diego, California (775)230-5049, Matt Wheeler Rex Rabbit: Why This Rare Breed is Called the King of Rabbits., Molly Puzzo Wilkinsons Wylie Wabbits Twin Pines Rabbitry If you are considering adding a rabbit to your family, the Holland Lop is definitely worth considering. One (1) year - $10.00; Three (3) years - $25.00, One (1) year - $25.00; Three (3) years - $60.00, If you would like to make payment for your Breeder Listing with your credit or debit card, please visit theNRRC Online Store. Rabbits with otter markings have a dark color over their head and back. So be sure not to try hugging one without letting them get used to your touch first! Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada, Montana Green Tooth Farm | Rabbitry | Florida Here is a list of for meat rabbit breeds that many different breeders recommend. Despite their small size, Netherland Dwarfs are known for their energetic and playful personalities. Find rabbits for sale in your area and get information on raising rex rabbits using our Rex Rabbit Breeders Classifieds., Jackson Mills (414)426-8167, Kristin Ellis, Duane Otto Whitehouse, Ohio Cheyenne, Wyoming Peppers Family Farm, Patricia Watson [3] The Rex has a slightly broader head than other breeds of rabbit, proportionate upright ears, and proportionally smaller feet. Caring for a Rex Rabbit - This breed has a compact, sturdy body and a short, wide head. If so go here to post a rabbit classified:, 2023 - All Rights Reserved. This page is part of our Rabbit Classifieds Network. With its distinctive white coat and black eye circles, the Dwarf Hotot is a striking and eye-catching rabbit. It has a well-balanced, stocky build with a short, broad head, large eyes, and long, floppy ears. The Tan Rabbit is a relatively new breed, having been developed in the late 19th century by breeding together small, black rabbits with larger, chestnut-colored ones. The American Rabbit Breed is a medium to large breed, with adults weighing between 8 and 12 pounds. Coat of Many Colors Rex Rabbits for Sale. Hucks Paradise Rabbitry (724)815-1898, Kelen Fierst The breeds most distinctive feature is its unique fur pattern, which is a black and white checkerboard pattern that covers the entire body. The Menagerie Farm Rabbitry Hoppy Days Rabbitry Our Backyard Bunch Seller Name: Tammy Sorenson Location: SE, Idaho Rabbit Breed(s): Standard Rex We have loads of the cutest Rex babies. 4 Best Rabbit Breeders in Arizona! (2022) ILY Best The Altex doe will generally give birth to smaller litters than other meat rabbits., Colton Courtney Freehling Most breeders agree on what the best fur rabbit breeds are. Their average weight is three pounds, and their fur is typically short but may vary depending on coloration. Himalayan rabbits are small animals, typically weighing between 2 and 4 pounds., Kati and Alan Bailey Colors This breed has a unique rex gene that gives their coat a soft velvety texture. The Holland Lop is a breed of domestic rabbit that is known for its small size and lop ears. However be warned; most local shows will not accept every breed. A Mini Rex rabbit will usually have short, thick, and upright ears that are spaced closely together and sit on top of the head. Adult weight 5 1/2 to 7 lbs Does not need to, - Copyright 2022 - All Rights Reserved,, Pure bred 8 week old Rex Rabbits (red and brown), Rex Rabbit Proven Doe / Mother For Sale, 11 Month Old Rex Doe Proven Mother Pedigreed. TM Rabbitry The American Chinchilla breed was developed by crossbreeding several other rabbit breeds, including the Silver Marten and the Giant Chinchilla. This breed has a medium-length, dense coat that requires minimal grooming. The rabbits we breed are also our pets. It is one of the oldest rabbit breeds in the world, dating back to the 16th century in France. The breed also has a compact and well-rounded body, with short legs and a broad, muscular chest. (928)358-8004, Amberlee Murray Papas Bunny Barnnew Vernon, Arizona You will be included in the online directory, found below, along with publication in Rex World., Lubana Lanewala Stone Mountain , Georgia (813)401-1420, Lincoln Nunnally The ears are upright and close together. Broken Road Rabbitry The English Angora rabbit is a breed of domesticated rabbit that is known for its long, silky wool. Standard Rex River Town Rabbit Ranch (385)455-9173, Brittany Ashby These characteristics give them an advantage when competing with other breeds because they require fewer fur coverings to stay warm during cold weather. Thomson Urban Rabbitry ATTENTION YOUTH! (678)663-8015, Rod Chandler II The result was the Cinnamon Rabbit, which has a warm, reddish-brown coat that is often described as looking like cinnamon sticks. Owosso , Michigan Colorado Springs, Colorado In many countries rabbits are quickly becoming one of the most common pets. The Rex rabbit is a medium-sized breed that could also classify as large depending on the specimen. JsRabbits The breed has a black head, white body, and orange markings on the cheeks, chest, and legs. The Creme dArgent rabbit is a breed of domestic rabbit that is known for its unique coat color and calm, docile personality. The Tan Rabbit is a small to medium sized breed that originated in the United Kingdom. This way they wont injure themselves on anything like windowsills (which will allow them to escape from their home). Sandhill Rabbit Rescue If you are new to rabbit raising and plan on breeding for pets, you might want to start off with a medium breed (they tend to have less birth complications than smaller breeds). The Harlequin rabbit is a relatively new breed, having been developed in France in the late 19th century. The Altex was developed from a cross of the Flemish Giant, Champagne D Argent and Californian. Piney Hollow Farm Funny Bunny Farms We feed the best bunny food available with 17% protein. The New Zealand rabbit has a short, dense coat that is usually white, although it can also be red or black. Temecula, California Rabbit House/Hideout/Bed Advice : r/Rabbits - Reddit The breed was originally developed for its unique coloring, which is the result of a recessive gene. Brier Patch Homestead Locust Grove, Virginia Belt, Montana Dawsons Bunnie Barn The breed is named for these markings, as papillon is French for butterfly. Bluer Skies Boer Goats And Rabbitry This breed is known for its distinctive silver-gray coat, which gives it its name. Sabrinas Rabbitry 19 Rex Rabbit Colors & Patterns (With Pictures) | Pet Keen As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 608-718-6273, Tim Green The eyes are large and expressive, adding to the breeds friendly and curious personality. Chatham, Massachusetts The Giant Angora rabbit is a large breed, with males weighing between 10 and 12 pounds and females weighing between 8 and 10 pounds. pick up Stockton. . They are considered to be a rare breed in the United States. (208)227-3909, Keara Koepnick Bunny Barn chocolate brown and golden orange; dove gray and golden fawn. These animals will generally be tamer than the larger breeds such as the Californian and will be easier for young children to handle. The most striking feature of the English Angora rabbit is its long, soft wool, which is typically white but can also be found in a variety of colors, including black, blue, chocolate, and red. The Rex Rabbit is a medium-sized breed, weighing between 4 and 8 pounds when fully grown. They also need regular grooming to maintain their soft, velvety fur and to prevent matting. In terms of size, the Havana rabbit is considered a medium-sized breed, weighing in at around 6-8 pounds when fully grown. The Silver Fox rabbit is a relatively new breed, having been developed in the United States in the early 20th century. TRIPLE F RABBITRY (661)492-0291, Amy Hillecke But you should have a cage for them to sleep and rest when it snows and rains. Rex - ARBA Rex Rabbit for Sale: List of Reputable Breeders in US (2022), Broken(includes all dual or more colors, such as Black and Golden Orange, Lavender Blue and Golden Fawn, Dark Chocolate Brown and Golden Orange, Dove Gray and Golden Fawn), Otter(includes Black Otter, Blue Otter, Chocolate Otter, Lilac Otter), Silver-blue (also called blue) tortoiseshell. One of the most striking features of the English Spot is its coat, which is typically a combination of white and black or blue and has a distinct butterfly pattern on the nose and forehead., Tim, Danielle and JohnMichael Sparks Lupine Wood Rabbitry This breed has never been known to jump out of enclosures so, therefore, fences built at least 4-6 feet high should not pose any risk either. (603)724-8725, Elsbeth Connolly, John Mullins Black Otter Rex Rabbits - Is This Bunny Right for You? Dancing Hills Rabbitry Rabbit breeds with rex coats include the Rex and the Mini Rex. 724-859-5126, David Carey ( you do not need it unless you plan to breed) I have several litters coming up. Elrods homestead Ogden, Utah If you plan on raising up one of the rare breeds such as the Blanc de Hotot; you might have to drive a distance in order to find available shows. $75.00 to $100.0 read more, Seller Name: Judy Grant Location: Longmont, Colorado Rabbit Breed(s): Rex Here are some great Rex rabbits for 4H or add to your breeding program. Rex Male One of the most notable features of Mini Lops is their floppy ears, which can be up to 7 inches long. Rex Rabbit - Burke's Backyard Originally developed in France in the early 20th century, this breed has gained popularity around the world for its unique coloration and gentle disposition. rex and lionhead breed #fyp#spreadlove | TikTok Mini Rex Rabbit - Complete Guide 2023 - Rabbit Insider (503)781-9267, Michele McIntyre Milwaukee, Wisconsin We regularly have rabbits available for a variety of needs: show rabbits, homestead breeding rabbits, pets, and rabbits for raw feeding. Casco, WI Rex Rabbits are one of the most popular types of domestic rabbits. The Creme dArgent rabbit is a medium-sized breed, with males weighing around 9 pounds and females weighing around 8 pounds. Wilson Rabbitry (832)514-0188, Josh Williams Rex Rabbit Breeder Resources: Rex Rabbit Breeders Newsletter | Rex Rabbit Supplies for Sale | Raising Rex Rabbits | Rex Rabbit Breeders, Find Rex Rabbits for Sale in your area using our Rex Rabbit Breeders Classifieds, Seller Name: Judy Grant Location: Longmont, Colorado Rabbit Breed(s): REX 14 tri babies for sale., Emily Colyn The Californian rabbit was developed in the 1920s in California as a commercial rabbit breed for meat and fur production. The breed has a compact, well-rounded body with a broad chest and strong legs. One of the most distinctive features of the Silver Marten rabbit is its fur. The Rex Rabbit is the largest of the domestic rabbit breeds. (970)824-9289, Zaquaria Garcia It is a small to medium-sized rabbit, weighing between 2.5 and 4.5 pounds, with a compact, stocky body and a round head. Green Tooth Farm is a 4h kid owned and oparated., Kelsi Stracener-Figgins Because they were originally bred for meat production, their hind legs should not look too muscular when fully extended; this may indicate potential health issues. Adults weigh between 4 to 7 pounds on average. Mini Satins come in a variety of colors, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, and tortoiseshell. They weigh between 2.5 and 4.5 pounds and come in a variety of colors, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, and red. Sandpoint, Idaho, Keith Radonis Oloh/Sumrall, Mississippi, Mississippi If you are considering adding a Rex rabbit to your household, its important that you have the time and resources for proper care. Rex bunnies also need to have plenty of freshwaters available at all times. Clyde Farms - Home Magicbunny rabbitry The Jersey Woolly is a small to medium-sized breed of domestic rabbit that is known for its dense, fluffy coat and friendly personality. 2 males and, Mrs. Squishyface is 14 months old and just weaned a healthy litter of kits. Rex Rabbit - Complete Guide 2023 - Rabbit Insider x4 Stunning velvet black otter mixed litter, mum and dad can be seen and held on viewing with the babies, first to see will buy! (402)317-1071, Joe Apple Howard, Pennsylvania The most popular for fur breed is the Angora Rabbit. Tri-Color Rex the other broken variety | Quails and Tails Rabbitry There are also a number of different pattern variations, including agouti, broken, and self. If you dont find any local listings below, be sure to check out our Rex Rabbit Breeders page. Imported to the US in 1924 by John Fehr and Alfred Zimmerman. (207)244-2124, Duae Hill, Alex Shannon State Rabbit Breeders Index; Rabbit Breed Index; Rabbits for Sale. 3.RVHD2 vaccination approx 25 per rabbit. 4. They can be found all around the world on various farms but mostly in North America and Europe. Jerome, Idaho AUSTIN, Texas One of the many positives with Timber Mesa Rabbitry is that they have many varieties of Mini Rex. Itll keep them away from chewing or nibbling on your stuff, like wires or gadgets. These rabbits have flat backs and a very long and rounded body. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Chemult, Oregon blue-himalayan-mini-rex-baby-rabbit-53adbe052d159.JPG. They have short, round bodies and small ears that are proportionate to their size. The Mini Rex rabbit is a popular rabbit breed for families looking for a first-time pet for their children. (206)294-8246, Bobbie Crawford Backyard Rabbitry The breed was first recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in 1888 and has been a popular choice for rabbit owners ever since. They are generally calm and docile animals, making them suitable pets for both children and adults. Overall, we find the Rex to be absolutely ethereal in beauty & demeanor. The Checkered Giant rabbit breed is a large and distinctive breed of domestic rabbit that is known for its impressive size and distinct checkered pattern on its fur. Nicks Rabbits Flemish Giants; Holland Lops; Mini Lops; Pueblo, Colorado Caseys Rex Lion Rabbits 3097842162, Creager Family Amber, Black, Broken,(including Tri),Californian. Rocky Hill Rabbits The name Rex means King, and they were first seen in the South of France and came to America in the mid-1920s. LeGraves Country Rabbits They have a compact and round body shape, with short, sturdy legs and a short, rounded head. The coat is generally evenly colored, although some individuals may have a slightly darker or lighter shade. 3R Rabbitry Hidden Rock Rabbitry Bridgets Bunnies They have a long, elegant neck and a head that is well-proportioned to their body. So if youre able to house more than one Rex bunny together it will benefit both your pets as well as yourself! (509)304-4036, Nick Winters South Chesterfield, Virginia The Thistle Patch Rabbitry Rex Rabbits - A Complete Care Guide - The Bunny Hub Some common colors include black, blue, chocolate, and red, but they can also be found in white, gray, and a variety of other shades. Dandridge, Tennessee CALICO VALLEY RABBITRY, Robyn Holderman Tekamah, Nebraska Merced, California, kierstan smart Butler, Tennessee They are also intelligent and easy to train, and can learn basic commands and tricks with relative ease. 208-324-6689, Alexandria McEldowney The Cashmere Lop rabbit breed is a small, affectionate breed that is known for its luxurious, soft fur. They have a distinctive, angular head and large, perky ears that stand upright. Beach Park, Illinois Thumping Trails Rabbitry (978)631-5655, Jeanne Turner Their adult weight typically ranges from 4 to 6 pounds. Here are some Mini Rex breeders around the country that may have quality stock for sale., Philip Bowden The Rex Rabbit was developed around 1919 in the French village of Louch-Pring, by breeders who were impressed by this wild rabbit's beautiful and luscious fur. Grants Pass, Oregon Despite their intimidating size, Flemish Giant rabbits are known for their gentle and docile nature. Silverwolf Rabbitry Changing Winds Rabbitry Rex Rabbits usually eat hay and other vegetables like carrots, because they contain a lot of Vitamin A which is needed for bone growth. (865)456-1877, Ayla Wilkens Topeka, Kansas The clever Rex is one of the hardiest breeds of domesticated rabbit so is plagued with few genetic conditions, although they do seem predisposed to sore hock. They have these really cute, long ears that are set at an angle and hang down to mid-back level. Mini Rex Rabbit: Is This the Perfect Breed for You? K&G Rebel Ranch It is unique because of the fur which is like plush velvet. Beverens are known for their long, dense fur, which is soft and silky to the touch. Do you want a pet that will be with you for many years? They are known for their distinctive chestnut-brown coloring and have a sleek, shiny coat. RabbitsForever Rabbitry (720)432-0228, Nicole Ross They are judged on the quality of their coat, body conformation, and overall appearance. Columbia, Tennessee Camp Wood, Texas The breed is known for its distinctive coloration, which is a dark brown or black coat with silver-tipped hairs, giving it a shimmering, silver-gray appearance. You can easily spot them by characteristic shortened, velvety fur, and long ears which they use to listen for predators in the wild. These rabbits are generally easy to handle and make great pets for both children and adults. Rabbits do indeed come in all different shapes and sizes. In Pasco County Fair 2020.
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