that it really cool !! One of the main character of Indigos, is that they cant stand in a group, mainly they seeks everything in their inside, as you are already doing so, in case you need indication life it self bring it to you, almost everyday . Not sure,just heard about Indigo children recently.I am empathetic beyond what is normal,cant even watch posts on the suffering of others,I get depressed by the pain around me!I tend to discuss issues that expose the dark side of people and try to enlighten them,I am some what of a troll hunter,shutting down most very quickly as I wont back down cause good will prevail as I see it!I am a gifted writer,poetry comes easily to me,as does most writing but always too impatient to actually do much writing unless it has a direct purpose.I have started to paint and make creatve jewelry,some for helping animal rescue and some for chindrens causes.I have no kids as I spent my life dedicated to those with behavior problems,been reffered to as a spengalli by many that knew me,I dont see that,but I think I am kind enough to be an angel on earth.I am a giver,a defender of the down trodden,a lover of the sun,most of my paintings are sun related.I am only comfortable with people like myself and close family and friends,somewhat reclusive.I think I am different and always have been,my mom said I used to talk to the angels in my crib,and have encountered strange occurances,where people came into my life for brief moments,that were not supposed to be from this world,hard to explain on here,lol!My sensitivites have led to depression ,anxiety,etc,but my inner positive strength has always lifted me out of bad places,back to the light.I dream a lot about taking flight off my bed ,right to the ceiling,lol,and often have really crazy dreams that seem to take me to another dimention,which can be a lot like Alice in wonderland.I have made many predictions about fute events and people that were right,even read things out of books by sociologists that I had already written before I read tem.Not sure if Indigo,was born in Dec.1958,but I am sure I am special,and the reactions of others,especially children and animals are almost magnetic,they seem to know my heart is especially kind!Anyway just checking this out,it is really sunny and now I must go and enjoy this beautiful day! These are the primary ones who will bring us the enlightenment to ascend. Namaste. Ive been crying for no reason except maybe bc Im lost w/so much going on & mind racing i cant focus just a big mess of potential. A typical feature of both generations, Alpha and Beta, is that theylook much younger than they actually are, Tappe says. You would rather be fulfilled than rich. During this year alot of tears has come out. Am I An Indigo, Crystal Or Rainbow Personality?. Dreams not dreams, spiritual time travel, KNOWING things, yeah, that was then, as a boy. As a Indigo Adult it's your purpose or mission to develop and open the Third Eye Chakra even further. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. Indigos are "vigilant about cleaning the earth of social ills and corruption, and increasing integrity, Virtue said. You cry when movies are sad and belly laugh when they are funny. 17. In Conclusion. I was full of anxiety and felt like I was fighting my way through life. | RSS, Key characteristics of being an "indigo child" include "being a child". I have an Indigo child and spent many years teaching people how to work with their kids and to understand them, and to understand there purpose to make way for the highly-sensitive Crystal children. My aura reader always sees my energy as dark green and blue, almost indigo, which makes sense, as that is teaching & healing and peaceful energy. By the way, indigo children arent the only people to be so diagnosed. Please dont be sidetracked on what sort of Indigo you are as in the end we all come here with different talents that we have developed along the way. Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! I am indigo as well. You challenge ideas and beliefs as none is too sensitive or sacred to analyze. We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. You probably feel like you can hear a higher power urging you to keep true to your purpose. Remember to cut yourself some slack from time to time. Growing up, you might have been told you were naughty, disobedient, headstrong, unyielding, etc. 5. ). Do you have any suggestions on what an Omega might need to assist with the future? 1. This post may contain affiliate links. But usually supported by their strong intuitive abilities. I am also a gamma indiego. They said Im boring, little did they know that even to me they are boring , All of the traits are there..I am born in 52 and am 70. Every rule, belief, structure, and institution will be questioned and ruthlessly challenged by the indigo child this trait is truly unusual and extraordinary. Unlike people who are obsessed with career or financial success or thrill-seeking or even nihilism, the motivating force in an indigos life is that they have a sense of fulfilling their purpose in being born. One indigo child trait that is very obvious is the desire to alter the accepted wisdom in a bid to make everything better. They prefer to mix and match from different traditions to suit their needs, never going so far down one path as to close the doors to the others. Youre assured in your abilities to make the right decision, and often, how you feel about something or someone turns out to be right. You are here to make the world better, period. What Is an Indigo Child | Indigo Children 4: Youre sure of the reason for your existence, At work, you like to be in roles that grant you control over your time and allow you to work, This is because indigo children often display special gifts like, You can learn more about how to better utilize these gifts by studying your, 18: You have a strong connection with nature and animals, 19: Youre drawn towards spirituality over religion, Indigo children are a group of special children identified by. Even if other people criticize or dont support you, you still keep going no matter what. I am starting the need to be carried and can no longer pull as I did in my younger years. Yes we are here to counter balance the current state which is dominated by souls who are still developing there desire bodies, meaning they are ruled by there emotions and desires, they are yet to be awakened spiritually. To me these children are the answers to the prayers we all have for peace, Doreen Virtue told the New York Times back in 2006, when the indigo children phenomenon was around the height of its fame. Subscribe today for ourWeekly Newsletterin your inbox! You can be very special or a bit special, but not very unique or a bit unique. Without any religious traditions. Please know that you are all blessed and soon enough we will all have a support system. Whether its inventing a story to tell your a little kid or keeping people entertained while talking about your day, no one can tell a story quite like you. You may be an Indigo Child. 12 Indigo Adult (or Child) Characteristics and Signs I dont know what tasks he has in front of him but from the moment he was born Ive felt he will Face something big, something he needs to be prepared for. The Indigo Children are the ones who have come to raise the vibration of our planet! We carried amethysts and rose quartz. I never felt comfortable doing so, but I read your post and felt compelled to write you. Click Here or Call 888-773-8999. Many Indigo children are also quite psychic. Just as i write this im all over the place. The truth is in it. As an indigo child, youre likely to feel more at home in nature. Kids didnt have some condition they needed drugging out of, people said thats just called being a kid. Thom Dunn 4:38 am Tue Feb 28, 2023. 14. The primary role of the indigo child seems to revolve around exposing truth and deception. As a product of the highly creative mind that youve been given, you can see the path set out for you very clearly. Im a beta (69). Indigo Children are beings that have reached a pivotal point or age within their soul journey, and so they've been sent back to Earth with this mission. Courage will replace fear. Needed to question, "Why?" This is the downside of the Indigo childs highly developed imagination. I was stuck in my head by the bank of this river, having these thoughts as I watched the diverse group of insects all fly around this flower. 4. Star Children: Are You an Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow Child? Ive got to grow in hard conditions and it has made me a diamond-hard Indigo. I am great at streamlining and being efficient at everything I do. I hear my song in all music. We are here. To stay grounded, try practicing mindful breathing. The Indigo Children arrived mostly in the 1970s, and they did so in an emphatic way. I never see THISI. Came to at 2:30 am slumped over no clue where i was or realized what happened at first. Whatever emotion you are feeling in the current moment, you feel it fully. It was great a few years ago when I first heard the term Indigo. Basically, there are three different types of Earth Angels - Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. I have talked with my spirit guides and my higher self, and It was amazing. When I follow it, I end up receiving data downloads there. Lately I have felt that this world is something different than I would live in due to so much pollution, hatred and evilness in it. You can see and understand things about humanity and life that most other people dont perceive. Indigo children - Wikipedia Don't label yourself as someone "special" aka Indigo child. Are You an Indigo Child Too? | The Psychology of Extraordinary Beliefs 5. The colors of their aura areblue green purple, but no longer the color of the metal shield. (Had a knee injure when I was around 21-22. Creative - Indigos may choose careers like writing, painting, sculpting, designing, ( and even blogging!) The aura was also under the influence of themetallic beige hue,protecting them from external attacks and excessively early showing of indigo potential. I started having premonitions around 2014 (born in 75) & when they came true it was my awakening as to WTH? I thought to myself, the same way this bee receives the nectar, we too can do the same. One of the characteristics of the fourth generation isthe pure indigo color of the aura. They are intelligent. Indigo children are sensitive, curious, independent, open-minded and artistic. I get sudden knowledge about many subjects, its developed and it is not anything that I had knowledge of previously! To sum it up, if strange things happen to you, and you feel that you are on a spiritual path, and moreover, that you feel that you are on a mission to help others, it is most likely exactly what it seems to be. Tendency towards addiction to numb feelings, More sensitive to environmental and food pollutants, Spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance or telepathy. When you are around others, you can immediately tell when someone is lying or hiding something. Im 26 my awakening started early in 2917 after an incident that life slipped away from me for 6 hours. connected. Indigo children are bright, intuitive, strong-willed, and sometimes self-destructive individuals. Indigo children want to understand everything. Who Are the Indigo Children? - Medium I dont like self-proclaiming indigo because it reminds me of part of the problem we face here today. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. I was that child that bored easily and drift off into conversation with my friend and still be able to know exactly what the teacher has been waffling on about for the last 10 minutes. They are our mirrors. I am also constantly happy. Are you an indigo child? i have indeed have seen ghost,heard ghost and felt them off and on in my life. You feel more than other people. 32 Signs You Are Spiritually Gifted (Is This You? So my mothers friend can see peoples auras and she said that I have protected aura I dont know is that the thing of indigo children (I would be Omega generation) but I would like to know more about it, I am an Alpha Indigo born in 1965 (Double Gemini/ Double Snake/ 7 life path). Indigos live with purpose. There are also crystal children, named for their supposedly crystal-colored (and conveniently invisible to the human eye) auras but this concept, even more than that of indigo children, appears to be a reaction against diagnoses of autism. As a stubborn rebel, you dont conform to other peoples ideas of how things should be. You tend to get bored very easily. So allow us to quash those misgivings: the indigo child concept relies entirely on one womans assertion that she could see mystical colors emanating around kids bodies. This continued until about one year ago when I felt myself getting more sick and tired. In this article, you will find a deeper understanding of what it means to be an indigo child. This post may contain affiliate links. While this can cause problems early on, generally indigos figure out how to cope will always feeling a little bit like an outsider. Making the average person feel intimidated and feeling like they can never reach my level of perfection and how easy i make it look. Comprehensive numerology will reveal other details about you, like your soul urge and your life path number. It largely ignores - and contributes to create and intensify - rather important conditions . Scientist are now realizing the wisdom of Eistein and those before and after him. Am I An Indigo Child Or Crystal Child? - Check Our List Of Traits Indigo children are said to have been born between 1978 and 1988. Who Are The Real Female Narcissists? Doing so can help you to get more in touch with your own intuition, your soul path, purpose, higher wisdom, knowledge and higher consciousness.
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