The DomainRegistrars entity contains WHOISdetails for Domain assets. This entity describes a transaction where a specified quantity of an InventoryProducts or an InventoryStockedItems entity is transferred from the items current InventoryLocation to a different InventoryLocation. You may also update UDFs for entity types that allow update and create. This entity's purpose is to describe a ticket category, applied to tickets in Autotask to specify features and fields that appear on the ticket detail. This entity describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Task entity. The following table describes the standard Autotask field objects for this entity. Change request tickets are part of the Autotask Change Management feature set. Write. function SendLinkByMail(href) {
A SubscriptionPeriod stores the information for an individual billing period item associated with an Autotask Subscription. The Modules entity surfaces the availability and active status of modules (such as the Procurement module and the Inventory module)in Autotask. Available in the UI only when the installed module is enabled. Tickets and project tasks share the same list of statuses. The allowed actions are specific to the field. To make calls to the entities of the AutotaskRESTAPI, you will need to use their resource access URLs or child collection access URLs. Head on over to our Community Forum! The stopwatch starts running as soon as you open the task, ticket or time entry page.;
How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? The Autotask REST API Getting started REST API security and authentication REST API revision history Working in the API Introduction to the Autotask REST API Introduction to REST API calls Autotask REST API resources Good to know. To view attachments uploaded by other users, Can view time entry internal notes, internal notes, and internal attachments (on Ticket Detail and CRM Detail screens) or Can view time entry internal notes, internal notes, and internal attachments (on Task Detail screens)
For more information on granular ticket security, refer to the Online Help topic: Update() is allowed on a Ticket with an inactive attribute value if that value is not being changed. We're using Power Apps to capture information and then Flow passes it to Autotask, i can pull information using GET but unable to create anything. Additionally, only those statuses that are available to all selected tickets categories are available for selection. This includes the following fields: ChangeApprovalBoard, ChangeApprovalType, ChangeApprovalStatus, ChangeInfoField1, ChangeInfoField2, ChangeInfoField3, ChangeInfoField4, ChangeInfoField5. Every attempt gives me a 500 server error. To learn more, refer to The Rich Text editor. The Administrative Email Address for Action-Required Notifications should be an email address that does not create tickets in your Autotask.
Using notes in Autotask Task & Ticket Statuses - Autotask Open the Kaseya Helpdesk. On update(), InstalledProduct.ID cannot be updated to an InstalledProduct where InstalledProduct.AccountID Ticket.AccountID. The function of this entity is to describe the Webhook error log where errors are kept by the application for 30 days. If an unsupported entity receives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the API will update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. This entity describes time and completion data related to service level events tracked for a service level agreement associated with a ticket. Gettings 721 tickets based on a title filter: "Title eq hello!" If the Contract is associated to an SLA, then use that ID. This entity describes detailed information about on-hand. [CDATA[*/
The entity provides an efficient way to access the details, via the API, to assist with the customer's Autotask implementation. Notes have a property called Note Type. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. If setting equals 'Never' then the API will not require the QueueID value. When an inventory product is manually created, stocked items are also created. If you send the content back, the Rich Text and all images that it contains will be lost. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Update Status on {#} incident(s) (tickets only). Assets are Products with an association to a Company entity.
Create Ticket using API : r/Autotask - The value you select will be set as the status of the parent entity when the dialog box or page is saved. This entity's purpose is to describe a cost associated with an Autotask contract.
Adding or editing an API user - A WorkTypeModifier entity modifies a given Work Type BillingCode. Contact Groups are an association of contacts, from one or more companies, that allow PSA users to send bulk email and create notes and/or to-dos simultaneously for all included contacts. A resource can be associated with multiple LOBs; entities cannot. This entity describes an Autotask Shipping Type. If there is no Contract Service or Bundle SLA, then check the Contract. I use the Powershell API to create tickets based on an Excel spreadsheet. TicketCategory default values will be applied unless another value is passed in. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. Each entity type object contains an array of properties that describe instances of the entity type. The function of this entity is to describe the tax rate charged to a customer for specific goods or services purchased in a specified tax region. If no TicketCategory is passed in, the API will use the logged in resource's default category; if the resource does not have a default category, the API will use the Company's system default ticket category. If a ticket is created or updated with a sub-issue type that is excluded from the associated contract, the ticket's ContractID will be updated to that of the exclusion contract, if it exists. Is there any way for you to see what the response from Autotask is? Refer to Adding and managing attachments. CreatorResourceID can return a ContactID. This entity contains the attachments for the ExpenseReports entity. A cost is a billing item for products or materials. Log into Autotask and navigate to the menu on the left and click on Admin NOTE Although the Autotask interface now allows multiple resources on a ticket, the current versions of the Web Services API do not support this feature. Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? Ticket Date Completed by Complete Project Wizard, Ticket Department Name OR Ticket Queue Name, Service Level Agreement Paused Next Event Hours, This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active.
Automatically Close Ticket using the API Extension Callout - N-able Also create Note/Attachment on # incident(s) (tickets only). The configurationItemType associates one or more user-defined fields with assets of the same type. If a ticket is created with the 'RMA' ticket category via the API and no value is supplied for this field, the ticket category default value for the field will be used. This object describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated to a Project entity. If the ticket has at least one incomplete to-do, and the value in this field is changed to, Time entries only: If the status is changed to, If you have not changed the status, clicking this link will update the, If the note was created by a Client Portal user, only the value, If the note was created by a Taskfire user, only the value. Ticket User-Defined Field: When you select a User-Defined Field, the extension call will be triggered only for tickets that . Unless otherwise noted, APIentities do not support the creation or editing of Rich Text content. Expand RESOURCES/USERS (HR) and click Resources/Users; Tip - click the images to make them larger. rev2023.3.3.43278. If the ticket type is not = Change Request and a current ChangeApprovalType value exists on the entity, then the field is cleared. /* Home >Search > Global Notes Search or > Reports > Other >General. The ticket SLA is defaulted in using the following logic: Check the asset. This entity describes an Autotask service call and its relationship to four other service call related entities. Resource access URLs for all entities appear in the next section of this article. The purchase approval option is available through Autotask procurement.
Autotask API Ticket Creation with PowerShell : r/Autotask - reddit If TicketType = Problem and incidents are associated with the ticket, TicketType cannot be changed to Incident or Service Request until the incidents are disassociated from the ticket. /**/Want to tell us more? To complete the attachment process, you must save the note or time entry. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? You can create additional mailboxes, but you won't be able to activate them.;
It mirrors the fields found on the. The id value is set by the system and cannot be changed by the user; for example, if you attempt to specify a value for the id field when using the POSTAPI call, the create will fail. Only the incidents of problem tickets will have their status updated. This entity describes an Autotask Quote Template that defines the content and appearance of an Autotask Quote. Thanks for your feedback. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Entity details You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo () SOAP API call. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? To retrieve more detailed information specific to a particular Autotask implementation, use the Web Services API call. Visit the Ideas forum! If it is selected, the note is created with the Internal & Co-managed publish type. Enter your API credentials and then click Connect. [CDATA[*/
If an association is removed from a resource and that pairing is set as the default, that default is not removed.
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