It's hard to swallow, but agree. Otherwise, let him go. It is also trapped (DC22) and locked (DC20). It's not much of a detour to check it out. There is a chest to the right of some steps containing a Rusty Dwarven Key along with the Commandant's Journal (First Half). Buff Amiri up and head along the path a little. The top sarcophagus contains an Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered Leather (1/16). Go back downstairs and speak to Tevi and give him something to do. After killing it, go back and report on completing your task. They cost 80G each and I suggest that you buy 100 in the first instance. The two containers near the doorway you came through hold minor loot. You will to some rocks which require an Athletics check (DC22) to climb. This will take you out of the sequence and give you another chance to quick-save. You can rotate the plates and select certain symbols. You can pick up this quest after you visit Bartholomew during the Nature of the Beast quest. Fortunately, she'll spend her first round casting Summon Nature's Ally. She will now open up - in more ways than one since she will now buy and sell and you probably have plenty of loot to offload. You will return to the Spirit Hut and Kagar will cast Glitterdust to reveal Shimmerglow. Go the trader nearby and buy Varrask's Tools for 50G. This is part of another relic set and another one you won't be completing for a good, long while. If you're able to kill them, loot the dead bodies nearby for a suit of Studded Leather +2 and some minor loot. The objective of the quest Guiding Beacon. Your call. Like all good villains, he will reveal his motivations and then you get to make a choice. Regardless, the quest will be completed, and you will be ordered to return to the barons castle. Halfway along the northern wall is a trapped and locked (DC22) with more unimportant stuff. Kallike has a crossbow but don't equip it otherwise she won't be able to use Kinetic Blade or Gather Power. Return to the path and continue south. There are three loot containers, one of them trapped (DC22) containing a Wand of Prayer. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour. Across the road, is spot where you can climb up to a small area if you pass an Athletics Check (DC22). Make your way into the Ruined Watchtower itself. Go back inside for an easy battle against a Kobold Sentinel and two Trollhounds. If you followed my Linzi build, she will have a Perception of 21 at this point. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If you haven't yet levelled up your Treasurer, you should do so. The next time you go into Kingdom Management, you will find two new pieces of Curse research. Speak to Valerie about it to learn that Valerie's former order is demanding that she return to Shelyn's service, initiating the quest Shelyn's Chosen. Go into the Clutch Hut next door and speak to Virish. Back in the throne room, Kassil may have news of Jamandi's response to the way you (mis)handled Oleg's tax issues. He has a surprisingly large number of HP. For the best outcome to Jaethal's character arc, allow the elf girl to die. It may take a couple of goes, depending on how the RNG gods arrange matters, but you should prevail. Follow Tristian out to the Capital Square. They are almost certainly too powerful for you right now (they're 18th level and you're 8th). Make the immediate area safe and then speak to Waine. Keep to the left and you will find a chest containing Full Plate +2. After dealing with it, look in the corner of the courtyard for a hidden cache with a Rune-covered Ancient Leather Scrap (1/16). You can murder hm if you're in the habit of murdering harmless creatures. We've fixed Ageing and the Flying Time Undertow effect for the commander and their companions, Icy Prison spell got its name back, important keys no longer disappear, and much more. Otherwise, answer how you please. After all, if you turned down every quest that came your way, where would you be? Search a body lying on the ground nearby for a Wand of Fireball, an Amulet of Natural Armor +2 and a Shard of Knight's Bracers (3/10). You can speak to him about what's going on in the village for some interesting background info. Be aware that the chapter is drawing to a close. This is an optional dungeon that gradually opens up as the game progresses. Talk to Jenna in the upper left corner. Unwanted LegacyWhen you've killed the two trolls that Hargulka leaves behind, quick save and examine the nearby statue of Torag. Don't worry about this for the time being. Inside the room, you'll find an Emerald in a locked chest (DC26) which you should hold onto if you don't already have one. You will learn that the Great Ancestor has ordered them to plant dope-weed instead of heal-herb. The Blades aren't much tougher than the Sentinels, although they have sem-respectable AC. If you can't be bothered to fight them, you can try to Intimidate them. An alternative is to have Linzi engage Inspire Courage before you approach Sinnet and his crew. Head inside the ruins. There are three Trollhounds in the first room which serve as a good demonstration of the power of the Devourer of Metal. There is a hidden stash nearby with a Ring of Protection +2. Go down to the lower level again and look for the Sun and the Moon statues in the central chamber they will have the right symbols. He's an archer so unequip the Savage Bow and Bracers of Archery from whoever is currently using them. A body at the end has a Steel Dwarven Key and a Torag's Pendant. Exhaust his conversation options and, if you like, sell anything weighing you down to the merchant. Unwanted LegacyQuick save before examining the glowing rune on the back wall. Do not lay flowers next to the body either. A nymph will appear and then sic the monster on the main character. You may want to have the character with the highest Persuasion skill down a Potion of Eagle's Splendor and quicksave. Grab a Two-Bladed Sword +1 from under a tarpaulin and look for a nearby hidden cache (DC16) for a locked container (DC18) containing some gold and gems. You will find Waine among some trees, terrified. Quicksave before going down into the laboratory. You can go and seek out Jaethal in the inn and speak to her about the quest and find out a bit more about her, including the identity of the 'Nortellara' she mentioned. Sevintan 4 yr. ago I just did this with Strengthen enemies, though it took two tries. Head back down and return to the fork in the road. If you want a few bonus XP, interact with the portal for a Knowledge (Arcana) check (DC24). You will also find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag in another container and minor loot in a third. You can ask about the child to learn how he's being treated. Or you can simply kill them, which is what you'll have to do anyway if you fail the checks. You are going to pick up a new companion shortly. Head into the area where the bear was and you will find a group of two Alpha Wolves, two Worgs and two Ferocious Wolves. If you recruited Nazrielle, her apprentice, Sartayne, will appear to offer an apology. Needless to say, you don't want to take on hordes of powerful enemies while fatigued. It won't inconvenience Hargulka too much but it may well take Tartuk out. You'll find Amiri and Jaethal here if you want to talk to them. You're at a reasonable advantage with these guys. Don't blow all your funds shopping with Hassuf, because you want to buy a suit of Mithral Full Plate +1 for Valerie from Verdel, particularly if you're taking her down the combat Sorcerer route. When you've defeated it, head all the way east to find a hidden cache containing a Wand of Crushing Despair. Sounds like a quest! Make sure you have a rope. Continue round the corner and kill a Troll and two Trollhounds. Fairly shortly, you will have a scripted encounter. If you can make it, the Charisma check is good because it scares off the trolls. You don't want to set them off, but just in case Do not attempt to clear the traps because you will aggro the Recaps. Agree to let the guards escort you to Varnhold. What can go wrong, I really disliked something that comes up later: (spoiler inc obviously). Both locations yield decent loot and are worth the trip. Agree to look for the boy to receive Loyalty +1. On your way back, stop over at the Lone House area and pay Bartholomew (who is still in his laboratory) a visit. Suggest to Rismel that he might be a bit bonkers. If you stand in the location shown, you will avoid it. Guess what comes through. We'll follow after him later. She will thank you for killing the Stag Lord and will promise a valuable reward. You may want to return to your capital to rest up and unburden yourself. This is another illustrated book episode. You will also see a new quest appear, Beneath the Stolen Lands. If you examine the sun and moon statues, you will see the solution to the floor puzzle upstairs: a sort of fish rune and a lightning bolt rune. Open the chest for the Soot-Blackened Hammer (5/5) and a Shock Frost Heavy Mace +1. Grab a Torag's Pendant from the ground and then continue south to face off against 6 Greater Giant Spiders. A letter arrives from the Maegar Varn of Varnhold, proposing an alliance between your lands. You will encounter some Trolls and Kobolds that were waiting to ambush you had you gone through the gate. Continue north along the Varnhold border. Leave the town and enter kingdom management. Next, you will have to return to Bartholomew to help him in the battle against trolls (go to the Lone House location). Go to the place where trolls lair is located, enter the fortress and turn left from the first room to find the one who killed Ekundayos family. The trapped (DC22) chest next to contains some Masterwork weapons and a Keen Longsword +1. Open the door and save your game. This will bring you out by one of the exits to the upper level. Annexing the Kamelands is also required to unlock Tristian's companion quest. When you win, you get to make a choice. Jhod will also come and see you to report on the events at Bald Hill. Have at least one ally equip a cold iron weapon. He will then suggest that your barony might make a good vassal of Pitax. It will be called Troll Lair afterwards. When they've finished speaking, How to Build a Kingdom will start and you will have a tutorial for managing your barony. Ignore the entrance to the Troll Lair for the moment and follow the wall around. You will pass the Abandoned Laboratory, a future kingdom resource to the northwest. Interactions Bartholomew comes across as a perfectly normal person for a wizard, but if the player explores his shed they can find out that he is performing brutal experiments on a captured troll named Dimwit to unlock the secret of regeneration and immortality. If you are not able to cast the basic cantrips (acid splash, jolt and so forth) bring someone who can, such as Octavia. Failure just means you lose eight hours. A hidden crate a short distance to the northeast contains a Sai +1. Use a Stinking Cloud on them if you have one to spare. Do not sell this weapon - it can penetrate adamantine DR which is a very valuable property. When you enter the area, you will hear someone named Waine calling out for help. Before entering, you may want to remove useful stuff from your companions - +2 light armour and what have you. The quest will be over, and you can either leave the man alone or finish him off. Agree to help fight the monster and he will open the portal. For the last bit of back-and-forth, return to Nazrielle to complete the quest. The building will take 10 days to complete so you'll want to do stuff in the meantime. When you finish speaking, he will leave. A trolls appetite and its regenerative powers make it a fearless combatant, ever prepared to charge headlong at the nearest living creature and attack with all of its fury. The most useful consequence of this is that you get to have a merchant in your throne room, albeit a sadist and a degenerate. Go in there both to rest and to buy the Onslaught Gauntlets for Dragn. This will lead to a new project which you may want to put on the back burner for the time being. Leave the cave and cross the bridge. In the end, you can order Bartholomew to release the captive troll or leave him as is. Search for a hidden cache in the rubble nearby for a Torag's Pendant. After you've dealt with them, search the bushes to the left of the path for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. This is the first of new set of relic fragments. There is another floor puzzle in this room which you can simply make a note of for the time being. Go across to a side cave on the left where you will find a couple of loot stashes containing a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among other things. The two bodies in front of the tree only have minor loot. However, to do anything you need to prise off the lid. Doing so will allow you to summon their assistance later. All rights reserved. Initially, you will be fighting six Giant Spiders. By now the enemies you'll face will be fairly easy. When they're dead, you can find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among the rocks to the right. Use Ekundayo on his own and move the cursor around until you see the attack icon. You can unlock the door back to the entrance area of you like. For the time being, don't go out of your way to claim resources, but if you're passing and have the BP, you may as well. Head into the passage on the left and pay attention to the sunlight coming in through the ceiling. Head south back towards the village. Backtrack and go east and you'll come across another group of wolves. Ask about Trobold and you can question him about Tartuk and Hargulka. Search the Sentinel's remains for an Old Dwarven Chest Key. Bring rope if possible and keep Ekundayo with you at least for the time being. Get Resist Electricity on your party before you start making your way up the path. If you have the complete set of Restovic relics, he will trade these for a story, earning you 4000G and 600XP. Agree to initiate his companion quest Unwanted Legacy. The quest will be completed. Search the rowing boat near your starting point for the Note Wrapped in an Oiled Leather. Backtrack, cross over the path and head west to the edge of the map where you will find the hapless Ditael facing off against a pair of Dire Wolves. If you got one of the wererats to drink the formula, you'll have one less enemy to deal with. Guiding Beacon - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki Trolls possess incredibly sharp claws and amazing regenerative powers, allowing them to recover from nearly any wound. To the left of your fortress, there is a Ford Across the Skunk River location. Tristian will want to talk to you about the cultists that you may have encountered on the road. They're mostly low level and no threat. There's a tough enemy encounter here but a nice weapon to grab as well. It's high time we looked for this Lost Child. After a couple of rounds, two Dire Venomwolves will emerge from the portal. I let Octavia boss me around and prevented further experiments. If you brought Jubilost along just to see the ruins, it may be worth a trip back your capital to change to your first-choice companion. Buff up. Ask him to be an advisor. Continue to the northeast of the room where there is a pair of Trolls and a group of kobolds, including an always-annoying Boomsayer. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). When you reach the junction that goes south to the Bridge Over the Gudrun River, head northeast instead. This is the self-appointed "Voice of the Dragon". The Silky spams Hold Person and Hideous Laughter, targeting the character with the lowest will save so kill her as a priority. She won't have anything more to do with you for the time being. Hit the road again. The Lonely Warrior drops a Frost Greatsword +1 and a suit of full plate armour. Continue northeast and turn left at the crossroads. You will earn 300XP if he survives and you will meet him later. I encountered a bug here: resting near the Dwarven Ruins does not appear to remove fatigue. Pick up Nazrielle's Cursed Sword from the ground. Ignore him for the moment, because there's stuff to pick up first. Just before crossing over into Dire Narlmarches, camp. The area is littered with traps. Drops from Kobold Sniper (Guiding Beacon) in Troll Lair Depths. There's locked door on the left of the room. If your main character is a Paladin, you're in luck. Follow the path northwest and you will arrive at Sorrowflow. Backtrack to where the slope forked and go right. The Guardian will Dimension Door away leaving you to fight her summoned minions. The door to the east is sealed. After looting their bodies, look under a tarpaulin for a Cloak of Resistance +1. Go to Shaynih'a and tell her what Storyteller said about about her Spear Fragment to conclude her quest. It's perfectly doable at 8th level. You will summon the Water Elementals to help which will keep the creature occupied while Kanerah gets into position to destroy the creature with her fire blasts. Just south of them is a hidden chest with some minor loot. When they're dead, you will find a Token of the Dryad on the ground nearby. If you're protected by Remove Fear, that doesn't do anything. I guess it's finally time to check out Bridge Over the Gudrin River. You receive a letter from Svetlana expressing her concerns about Bokken. You may want to being Harrim with you and have him memorise Delay Poison (Communal). Select it and Harrim will call you a blasphemer and strike the anvil a second time, knocking a jewel free. This will allow you to complete Amiri's first companion quest. Among the ruins of the fortress you will find the portal and Rismel in front of it. Do not go in there yet - you'll come back later. Search among the ruins for a hidden cache containing a Torag's Pendant. Search a hidden chest a short distance to the right for a Robe of Earth and some gold. Quicksave before going to the throne room. Since you helped him out earlier, he will agree on the condition that you build him a new laboratory. If you make the diplomacy check, he will tell you that he and others are afraid of the Great Ancestor. pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll. The Nature of the Beast - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki If you heal him, he will start to utter a curse. Find Lykka and tell her about the Cyclops for 300XP and some gold and gems. Help them and find out about a mage living nearby. There are a couple of loot stashes here, one of which is locked (DC21). Head to the throne room and show the Spear Fragment to Storyteller who will recount the story associated with it. Go into the room beyond and interact with the column. You can learn more about the history of the area by asking about the village. The next room down is used as a larder. And it might be worth a trip back regardless to acquire a new quest. Cast Delay Poison (Communal) and head east, where you will find a Torag's Pendant among some rubble, and then north. These are properly nasty. It locks you out of something else shortly. Hostility ensues. All lead to Hargulka setting his minions on you and leaving so you may as well try the Intimidate option to get a few XP out of the confrontation. You might as well sell him back his key (2 gold). You will be reunited with your original party, so you don't have to make your way back to the capital alone. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Troll Trouble Walkthrough - Neoseeker Next it is a hidden cache with a Pile of Notes which make for interesting reading. Agree to follow him and you will be in battle against a Branded Troll. Either way, you will be able to secure the Iron Mine kingdom resource. Bartholomew's House : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - reddit Rather than fight them fairly, you can target them with missile weapons if you go south a short distance. Continue heading south where you will find a barrel in the corner of the room containing a Torag's Pendant. Immediately to your right is a stash containing a Melted Shard of a Ring (3/13). Tartuk doesn't have many HP but he has an extremely high AC. Climb the tree trunk and kill the Redcap at the top. You can now unlock the large doors. Outside the chief's hut is a sack filled with minor loot. If you tell him to free the troll, Valerie will come over all Lawful Stupid. The Alpha Wolves are quite tough but manageable. Return to the village and look for a man named Aysel who seems very upbeat about the Silver Dragon. Head through the door on the right to reach another balcony. Besides the XP, there's not a lot of point. If you have access to something like Hold Monster, it will come in useful. In preparation for later events, you may want to buy a rope and a crowbar as well. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition , Prologue - The First Step on the Road to Glory, Of Cows and Other Matters of Political Importance, Trickery, Stealth, Knowledge (World), Perception, Use Magic Device, Poison Resistance +2; Discovery: Precise Bomb, Elemental Focus - Water; Infusion - Extended Range; Point-Blank Shot, Shroud of Water; Wild Talent - Kinetic Healer, Elemental Overflow; Infusion - Kinetic Blade; Precise Shot, Metakinesis - Empowered; Infusion - Torrent; Deadly Aim, Mobility, Stealth, Lore (Nature), Perception, Elemental Focus - Fire; Infusion - Burning Infusion; Point-Blank Shot, Metakinesis - Empowered; Infusion - Extended Range; Spell Penetration, Athletics, Mobility, Stealth, Lore (Nature), Perception, Favored Enemy - Giant Humanoids; Point Blank Shot; Precise Shot, Endurance; Favored Terrain - Forest; Weapon Focus (Longbow), Favored Enemy - Magical Beasts; Boon Companion, "We tried picking a lock" (Trickery 25 - Octavia should manage this without too much difficulty), One of us tried to jump onto the cart (Mobility, followed by Lore: Nature), "Precautions were definitely in order" (requires rope), "We talked it over and chose a volunteer", "jump to the other side" (Mobility 15), "Trade Agreement with Mivon" if you persuaded Dalton to trade in your barony, "Research into the Nature of Curses: Tartuk" if you learned of Tartuk's curse, Decent Perception or the Wand of Find Traps. Run down to see a large group of kobolds attacking a handful of gnomes. March north to Oleg's Trading Post. Search the pack on the ground for a unique Kama, Talon of the Wise. The Chaotic Good option is slightly more rewarding than the others. You'll probably want to take a little time to level up your advisors at this point since there is nothing else pressing. You companions will have a view as to his deserved fate. Your email address will not be published. Two Trolls and a Branded Troll are attacking a merchant named Dalton and his guard. There is a Ferocious Slurk to take care of. You want someone capable of casting Acid Splash to finish off regenerating creatures. Head north from your capital and claim the Fruits and Berries resource (15 BP, +1 Loyalty). You will meet up with the Guardian of the Bloom again. Do so. If you have a character able to cast Stinking Cloud, cast Delay Poison (Communal) on your party. Continue east around the rock and then up the slope. Head north to find Hargulka's throne. If you built her a workshop, Shaynih'a will visit you and ask you to come and speak to her, initiating her artisan quest. If you are able to make an Athletics check (DC24 - you can try multiple times but it will fatigue you), you will clear the rubble and create a second exit. Let the three Trollhounds and Branded Troll come to you before disarming it. On your way to the leader you will be able to decide what to do with the trolls kids kill them or let them be. A locked (DC28) crate to the right of the "scary box" contains a unique scimitar, Slicer. Haste your party and use effects like Archon's Aura and Prayer to reduce Hargulka's melee effectiveness further. You will find Bartholomew in his creepy basement. Take the trail leading east and at the next crossroads, take the southwest path. At the bottom of the stairs, you will fight a pair of Kobold Blades and a Trollhound. You can pick up part of a relic set so it's worth a visit. The DC30 Knowledge (Arcana) check gives you a clue for the puzzle in this room. There's not really much to see there unless you have a thing for wyverns. Anyway, you are presented with a good / evil choice as to whether to hunt down the idiots who just tried to murder you. 4. Rest up and check your calendar and settlements. Bartholomew Delgado is a reclusive mage living at the Lone House. . If you search the various containers you will find minor loot and a new recipe, Fish-on-a-Stick. The Boomsayer, as always, is the primary threat. When the 14 days are up, the Rotten Beasts event will appear in your event list. He wants you to take him to any dwarven ruins you find. A messenger hands you a letter for Valerie. It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Qnnit. You will have a scripted event on the road. After you've made your decision, you will figure out that Enneo is probably behind this whole charade. If you're lucky, you can make a DC28 Bluff check for an additional 1500G and 360XP over what you would have received for completing the quest. Have Ekun cast Aspect of the Falcon and Sense Vitals. The traps hit you with Glitterdust and Entangle. Grab a diamond from his remains. Head further west for a challenging encounter against four Ferocious Worgs and an Alpha Worg. Backtrack to the main road and start cautiously making your way south. Among the Kobolds prioritise the Boomsayer and Sniper. Claim the Abandoned Laboratory near Lone House on your way. The trap cramps your style quite badly so make sure you have your ranged attackers take out the Shaman. Try to heal him again and everyone (apart from Harrim, who rejects the blessing) will receive the Good Hope buff. Search a nearby container for the Soot-Blackened Gloves (3/5). The biggest threat is a level 7 Transmuter who will Haste his allies and then Slow you. He should know how to end these scoundrels. Go a short distance southeast for more wisp-on-wisp action (an Ancient and two War Wisps). The scorched fragments will get you the Necklace of Double Crosses and unlock the Tale Of The Days Long Gone trophy. To the right of the tree is a location where you can climb the wall if you can make the DC22 Athletics check. The quest is completed. There is a body on the shore. Tell the Berserker that you wish to speak with their chieftain and you will be taken before him. Continue west up a slope, keeping left. There are three Branded Trolls just inside the doors that you need to fight your way through. Head to Narlkeep to speak Shaynih'a. He seems very excited about the formula he's discovered. Head immediately north and examine the body by the wall to update your journal. Search the undergrowth nearby for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Hello, crusaders! Once across, head west and follow the trail as it loops to find the Kobold Trail. Further in the cave is another group of Centipedes, this time with a second Tremendous Centipede. Fill your Cleric's level 3 slots with Resist Energy (Communal). Jhod tells you that the curse afflicting the place will reach its peak strength in a month. See here for the complete list of tasks and their rewards. Search the pack of the dead merchant lying in the road for an Amulet of Agile Fists and a Merchant's Letter. There is a hidden panel in the far wall containing a Potion of Heroism. Kill them and the Dweomercat will promise her assistance at some later date. She will ask you to meet her in the Verdant Chambers, unlocking the Just Reward quest.